On The Couch


Tips to help grow out your hairline!

5 min read

Dealing with thinning edges? Whether you're aware of it or not, your traction alopecia is most likely due to bad habits, and if you don't drop these not even a magic potion can help you grow your hair back. So what's causing friction or pulling on your hairline?

1. Tight Styles

We've all been there. Those braids look fab but you have to sit up to sleep, take a dose of paracetamol every 4 hours and can't close your eyes for 2 days. Not.Worth. It!!! Hair should NEVER hurt, so if it does when you're getting your braids done, this is a sign that they are much too tight. Find a braider who listens when you say you're in pain, and definitely don't let them force your edges into the style as well. Your hair still looks great, don't mind them! 

2. Heavy Extensions or Tiny Braids

While we're at it, avoid using too much additional hair that will pull on your follicles. Braids should always feel lightweight. And tiny braids are a no-no as you're distributing too much extra weight across too few of your hair shafts - they're not strong enough. The absolute smallest I'd recommend is 3cm partings for box braids.

3. Wigs, Cotton Scarves, Caps, Elastic in Bonnets

Yup, anything that rubs on your hairline is detrimental. Wigs can be a great protective style (provided, as I just mentioned, the braids underneath aren't too tight) but you need a protective barrier between it and your hairline - a satin wig cap. Scarves, caps or any hair covering that is not satin or silk causes dryness and friction, and we all know satin bonnets are a great way to protect your hair but ensure the elastic is also covered in satin and not too tight.

4. Dryness

One of the quickest ways to cause breakage. Ensure your hair, including your hairline, is frequently moisturised with a water-based product and sealed with an oil or butter. Avoid edge control gels that contain alcohol, as this leads to dryness and as tempting as it may be ... you don't need edge control EVERY time you do your hair. While there are some that aren't as drying (and we do stock a few of these) sometimes it's best to just leave your edges be.

5. Rough Handling

Brushing or combing hair when dry, rough detangling, excessive use of heat, etc., can all lead to breakage and hair loss, especially at your edges which for most people are the weakest part. Handle your hair delicately always!

6. Hand-In-Hair-Syndrome

The name says it all. Having your hands in your hair all the time increases the risk of tangling, breakage and hair loss from pulling.

7. Trichotillomania

A much more extreme form of H-I-H syndrome, this is an obsessive compulsive disorder that involves the constant pulling of your hair or brows. If you feel you might suffer from this the best solution is to see a medical professional.

So now we've talked about problems, what's the solution?

There are a number of topical treatments that have been shown to regenerate hair growth over time, some of which are stocked at Kinky Apothecary. Everybody knows about the benefits of Castor Oil, and its more potent sibling Jamaican Black Castor Oil. There are several reports that the effectiveness of Castor Oil is increased when a combination of Rosemary, Lavender, White Thyme and Cedarwood Essential Oils are mixed in.

For a READY MADE growth-stimulating blend, try one of the following: 

Alikay Naturals Essential 17 Hair Growth Oil

Mielle Rosemary Mint Strengthening Edge Gel

Nature's Locks for Kinky Apothecary Invigorating Hair Oil Blend and Replenishing Body & Hair Oil Blend

Mielle Rosemary Mint Scalp & Hair Strengthening Oil

And don't forget good old scalp massages!

Doing these for a few minutes every other day with any of the above mentioned products can also help to stimulate growth. Try lying on your bed with your head hanging over the side while you do this, to allow the blood to rush to your follicles.


As with everything, patience and consistency are key! Most people give up within days or weeks of trying something new without giving it a chance to work. It may take months before you notice results (up to 6), but you will love them!

Don't give up! - Nibi